Sunday, February 9, 2014

Warlord Games ECW Parliamentarian Musketeers

A small unit of Pariliamentarian musketeers, no particular regiment;

This is the 'firing' or front rank.  I went with all dark red for the jackets, with orange sashes and mostly buff equipment and hats.

The chap on the left has gone all-out with his yellow trousers, but the other fellow has more subdued grey.  By varying the trouser colour, and hat style, I hoped to add a bit of 'motley' without the unit losing cohesion.

The dangling swords / scabbards didn't always work well, so not every miniature has been given one.

The rear rank.  As you can see, not as much variety in pose as with some plastic multi-pose kits, but the great selection of hats helps.

The faces look very similar too, so I tried varying the hair colour to disguise this.  Normally, unless asked otherwise, I give whole units the same hair colour - but here I felt I needed the differentiation.

I gave these a lighter skin tone than much of my other work, to simulate the generally atrocious weather of 17th Century England.  That might explain their grumpy expressions too.

Rear view to finish - note I even tried varying the stocking colour!

1 comment:

  1. Hi...I am painting up the same figures as part of a Covenanter army. Hoping to find sashes on the figures, (to provide a tartan sash) I thought I'd found them...but the "sashes" peter out at the rear of the figure, leaving 2/3 belts, essentially. After painting the belts, and washing with Agrax Earthshade, I still find that these are lines of belts round the figure - one for the sack, 1 for the powder horn, one for the apostle belt. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to see someone actually painting sashes on the just somewhat confused to find them disappearing at the shoulder, to become kind of non- existent at the rear.. something no Scot would tolerate! Reminds me of those plastic 20mm figures where something similar was, well, is quite common. Any ideas? Or am I wuffing up the wrong tree? My experience is really with napoleonics, this is my 1st venture into renaissance painting. ( Ps..I ran out of bonnets at one point, but used small balls of plasticine, flattened down on the figure's actually works a treat!
