I posted most of Mark's medieval troops a short while ago, but here are some pictures of the last batch - the foot and mounted sergeants. These are intended to be a better class of sergeant, with good armour, so I used the Templar Infantry / Knights set for most of the components.
I modelled matching pairs of foot and mounted troops, and the foot versions were all to be spear-armed, so I cut down the knight's lances to show them spear-armed while mounted. The unit of twelve was split into two sub-units, one in blue / white, and the other green / white. I varied the shield designs, while keeping the colours constant.
The flash on my camera has leached some of the colour out of the shields, but if you look closely enough you can see that checks / stripes / quartering all feature. This first pair have grey horses (I like painting greys), and they use the same 'foot' body. Thanks to the different heads / shields, they don't look too similar.
These chaps are on the same horses too, but I've gone with a hood instead of a helmet for the guy on the left.
Another pair with one helmeted and one not. The guy in the mail hood is one of my favourite heads in the set; and if you save one of the fully-helmeted heads, and employ a spare 'crossbow supporting' left arm from the Templar infantry set, you can model a knight who has removed his helmet (useful for a command group or similar).
The second sub-unit, finished in green and white. Basically very similar to the blue / white troops, though with a preponderance of brown / bay horses. I've added cloaks to one or two of the mounted sergeants (quartered, like the surcoats), but have left them off the foot versions. This partly shows the common practice of removing the cloak for battle (to avoid entanglements!), but is mostly so I'm not restricted in choice of arms or pose - the mounted bodies are designed to take the short cloaks, but the foot bodies don't all 'work' with them.
I'm always torn between upright and levelled when it comes to lances and spears. Levelled looks more dynamic and active, but upright is easier to rank up on the battlefield (and easier to pack for posting!).
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