Monday, December 1, 2014

Warlord Games Boers

I used to be quite an enthusiastic Colonial-era gamer, particularly the more well-known theatres and campaigns such as South Africa, North West Frontier, and the Sudan.  That was all done in 20mm using soft plastic figures from Airfix / Esci.  These 28mm Boers from Warlord Games are a world away from the converted ACW Confederates I used to use!

I normally much prefer plastic miniatures, especially where 'multipose' options are possible, but these metal miniatures were more fun to paint than most.  The heads come separately, so they can be assembled in poses not restricted by the constraints of mould-making; and, of course, they can be varied so much more.  They come in a mix of jacketed or shirt-sleeve bodies, and the headwear range is quite broad, as you can see from the above picture.  I like the feathered top-hat - just the job for the modern 20th century battlefield!

Sadly I seem to have chosen to take photographs which show everyone to good advantage except the top-hat chap... 

The second stand is basically the same miniatures as the first, but with head variants.  Colour helps too, though I stuck to a palette of fairly dull colours (blue, grey, brown, sage green) for the most part.  The red and blonde hair is the only real dash of colour.

The bases still need their black edging, but otherwise this small unit of South African marksmen is about done - at least once I've removed the grass stains from the trousers of the chap at front right (above)!

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