Tuesday, December 2, 2014

28mm Romanesque Building III

Having completed two smaller buildings, I decided to make something more eye-catching - more of an objective, than a utilitarian defensive structure.  Inspired partly by tall buildings you can see in the background in the Return of the King movie, and partly by ancient lighthouses, I came up with this;

As with the previous buildings, the 'footprint' was kept to a suitable size to fit with the 'town planning' I had in mind.  Construction was again 5mm foamboard, cereal packet, drinking straws, and half a ping-pong ball for the dome.  As with other buildings, I tried to keep the doorways wide enough for 25mm round bases, and to give places for archers etc to stand and shoot.  Not easy with a tall building!

The concept behind this one was that the building had collapsed at one corner.  This was partly aesthetic, but also so I could get my big hands inside to move miniatures!  The chessboard floor and cream / terracotta colour scheme tie this one in with the other buildings, though it has more buttresses - intended to give it a sturdy look without being too squat.  Foamboard is great, but it does reward accurate cutting, and not all my gaps were tight enough (with so many small pieces) to be easily hidden with paint or PVA, so some areas have been treated to a light wash of thinned ready-mix filler.  To salve my conscience, I pass this off as a build-up of bird-lime, haha.

Close up shot of the Rohirrim standing in the bird-lime - paying a high price for such a great vantage point!

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