Saturday, December 13, 2014

More Perry Miniatures Wars of the Roses Foot Knights

These are the third unit of 18 foot knights I've painted over the last few weeks, part of a very large army a client is putting together;

 As with previous units, I've mixed-in a few components from the European Mercenaries and WoTR Infantry sets.  Along with the frequently-used bright red of the war-coated figure at extreme right of the picture, I've tried to include some other colours I don't employ quite as often.  The orange and green quartered chap towards the left of the picture is sporting a scheme I have employed before on early-medieval foot / mounted from Fireforge; and the pale blue nearer the middle has bee nused as a brighter alternative to the mid- and dark-blues I normally go to.

This is a closer look at the leftmost unit.  The kit provides great weapon / arm options - from the upright 'I'm in charge here' pose of the chap in orange and green, to the more menacing 'executioner' of the chap at right front of the image.

Change of camera angle to try and show the rear rank more clearly.  The metal effect is my usual metallic paint + ink; and with these miniatures showing so much metal, I've tried to splash colour where I can - sword scabbards, armour straps and belts, and the odd bit of face poking out here and there.

Not much thought given to how these chaps are based!  The client is doing a beautiful job of basing these himself, so I just give the moulded base a lick of mid-brown to neutralise it, and he does the good stuff later.  I'm sure he'll arrange them better too - despite the huge variety of pose and weapons within the unit, I've managed to put two ostrich-feather helmeted figures on one base.  And where the other bases have just one non-white-armoured chap, this base has three!  The two rear-rank white-armoured guys are a bit similar in pose too... reminding me of the 'robot ninja' Lothlorien Elves from Pete Jackson's Two Towers LoTR movie.  Just goes to show that beautiful miniatures and careful paint jobs / basing are not the whole story when making your units look good.  Much thought needs to go into grouping and posing too... though perhaps not so much for those who, like me, masochistically base every single miniature individually, and don't use movement trays or unit bases at all!


  1. I really like to use of a bigger variety of colours. It makes the regiment more shine. This is going to be an really beautiful unit indeed!
    How did you paint the metal parts?

  2. Hi - I usually do metal using a pretty simple technique, which I hope to do a posting on sometime. Basically, paint it all matt black, then gunmetal, then highlight with silver, then wash with thinned ink (I use artists drawing ink). You can vary the effect by using a little bit of blue ink; and make the metal more highly-polished by using very thin ink washes. Gold armour can be done the same way, using black / bronze / gold paint, followed by brown ink washes!
