Saturday, November 29, 2014

Zombicide Zombies - brains... braaaaaiiiinnnnnssss...

This is a companion post to the previous one, and I'm guessing anyone who is interested will look at both - so I won't repeat the blurb about Guillotine Games excellent Zombicide board game.  Straight to images of the brain-chewing dead guys;

The game splits the zombies into three basic types - walker, runner, and 'fattie' (not my terminology, I've no wish to offend those with larger frames).  This is one of the basic walkers, painted as a sort of shirtless yokel version of David Byrne from the Talking Heads.  Psycho-killer... Qu'est-ce que c'est?

Another walker, whose ragged appearance and slack-jawed expression will be familiar to anyone who works in Information Technology.  I've painted him as a balding lower-tier manager, who (after the onset of undeath), continues to exploit the intellectual capacities of his staff by eating their brains.

Yes, the sculptor plays to the crowds once again, and comes up with what must qualify as the most blatant attempt to capture the 'teenage boy' market since Lara Croft.  Our well-dressed country-club lady has, during the course of her transformation into the cannibal undead, unfortunately (but strategically) torn the lower half of her Chanel suit; exposing rather more grey flesh than the Bridge Circle ladies would have expected.  Her underwear appears to have been looted from Rihanna's stage wardrobe.  Yet another new painting challenge though - trying to keep your brush steady while painting red thongs...

Another classy-dressing zombie lady, who looks quite decent from the front.  But as I turned the miniature, there it was.... yet another exposed flash of underwear.  I've chosen the front view to show off how great blonde hair looks on zombies - just because your skin is grey doesn't mean your roots have to be.  You're worth it.

Got your number, 118! (Joke for U.K. readers).  The second type of zombie is the runner, and I couldn't resist this 70s-retro-style chap.  No doubt listening to Kool and the Gang as he rushes toward his next meal of human cerebral tissue.

Last but not least, one of the (ahem) 'fatties'.  They are dressed in generic 'work overalls', so mine will eventually be painted up as a decorator (white overalls), an undead gardener (green overalls), a maniac mechanic (blue overalls), and this chap - a brain-chewing bin-man.  It an excuse to paint something orange, which is one of my favourite colours.  The vest is modelled on my own appearance after eating curry.  For those outside the U.K., a 'bin man' is a hard-working local authority employee who takes away trash.

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